How To Get Your Girlfriend Back – Win Over And Get Your Ex Back Fast | Dateless To Dating

How To Get Your Girlfriend Back – Win Over And Get Your Ex Back Fast

By on May 6, 2012
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If you are reading this article, you are probably in one of those undesired situations where your girlfriend left you by “mutual consent”.

Your may recollect spending the last 2 years trying to make things work. You treated her like your master. Drove her to anywhere her heart desires. Bought the most thoughtful presents for her on special days. Gave her your share of the pizza and ate her leftovers when she ordered too much. You had sex with her thrice a night when she demanded. All you wanted was to please and care for her because she is the love of your life.

Now she has left you saying “We are not right together. I need to find myself”. Everything you did, you had her in mind. You always think about how your decisions will affect her and how your behaviors will inconvenient her. Needing to “find herself” was her ticket to leave you.

Where is Santa Claus when you needed him?

Women always use the terms that I have just mentioned as they have a reservation on calling their boyfriends a loser.

But don’t kid yourself. She finds you a spineless wimp and cannot see herself being associated with you any longer.

You are desperate to get her back and you will try anything to do that.

And I will show you how.

Let me tell you that I know exactly how you feel. I was left in the gutter while my girlfriend sniffed around for some short term excitement. When you put so much in a relationship and fully expecting an inevitable happy ending, it really hurts when you wake up one morning and realized that you are all alone.

Your best friends told you to move on and that there are other fishes in the sea. You agree. But it’s just not as easy as it sounds. You want to get your ex back.

You send her messages to express your feelings for her all over again. You get no replies. You compile all the photos of your love affair to a romantic song for her. You get the cold shoulder. You send her flowers to the office. They end up with the cleaners. You bring your guitar and wait for her at her house. Her parents chase you away.

If only she knew how much your feelings for her are real, she would come back to you.

Let me tell you now that none of those actions mentioned will work. And no. she wouldn’t change her mind if she knew “how much your feelings for her are real”.

Her picture of you has changed. You are no longer that man that she was madly attracted to at the start of the relationship. You have been found out. And you are no longer able to make her feel any positive feelings anymore. She may even pity you.

Flooding her mailbox with messages, sending flowers, writing poetry, etc, only makes you look like a loser. She probably expected you to act the part too. And it validates to her that she made the right decision to leave you.

By acting this way you are showing that you have lost your way as a man without her. A real man will never lose his way when it comes to women.

How To Get Your Girlfriend Back – The Simple Process

The best thing to do is to STOP whatever you are doing now. Stop contacting her and give her room to breathe. Begging her for her approval will not show her that you are still the attractive man.

When you stop contacting her, it confuses her and makes her think if her assumptions of you having changed is true. She may even think that you had wanted to end the relationship long ago but was being “polite” to her by hanging on to the relationship for “her sake”.

You may not have realized this. But you have attracted her in the first place with masculine qualities that you displayed to her that indicated a real man. But after you bagged her, you stopped displaying those qualities and possibly displayed wimpy behavior instead that totally turned her off.

She became the person controlling the relationship instead of you. You have made her the man in the relationship. And that my friend, has cause her needing to “find herself”.

After you stopped contacting her, go out and have fun. Meet new people and start dating other women. Take pictures and post them on your Facebook, Twitter and Instant Messenger. Advertise your new lease of life. Let her see the fun you are having. Don’t worry that she may not see your pictures. Her friends who have seen them will tell her about it.

Think about what makes a real man to you. And be that person during the period of no contact.

A month after you have stopped contacting her, drop her a message and tell her you want to remain friends. Get her to hang out with you while being a real man. This real man should almost be unrecognizable from the man who lost her in the first place. Tease her and bust her balls.

Trevis Tee wrote about breakthrough insights on being a real man in his book here.

Be nonchalant and just be friends with her.

She will see the change in you and may blame herself for making you the wimp that you resembled while in the relationship.

She simply has to find out more about this “new” you she cannot get a hold on. The more she engages you as a man, the more she will feel attracted to you all over again.

Get physical with her. This should be easy as she is used to your touch.

So keep this 7-step process in mind if you want to win back your ex girlfriend.

1)    Stop contacting her

2)    Be the real man you want to be

3)    Go out and have fun

4)    Date other women and make pictures of you having fun available

5)    Tell her you want to remain just friends a month later

6)    Hang out with her while being a real man and teasing her and busting her balls consistently

7)    Physically escalate

I’ve seen these situations play out in real life.

Give it a try. It is your best shot at an almost impossible situation. Because of her conditioning during the time with you, she may find it difficult to convince herself to give you another shot even with massive attraction re-ignited. You can get sex, but to revive the relationship is another matter.

If you continue pursuing her, you will probably lose her forever.
If you want a step by step breakdown on how to win your ex back, you might want to take a look at this classic guide.

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